
Current Landowners

First of all, thank you for choosing Jenks Family Farms! We strive to meet your needs and want to further our communication with you about your farm ground. Please check back as we hope to have a secure login containing information about your farm ground coming soon!

Click here to access your maps.


Prospective Landowners

Our landowners range from people we’ve known since childhood to large corporations and everyone in between. They are retired farmers, friends of the family, and business men. With honesty and integrity as our central values, Jenks Family Farms has a history of long-term relationships with current landowners and is always looking to cultivate new ones. We strive to be good stewards of the land, giving the landowner comfort in knowing their farm is in capable hands. Through experience, knowledge, and a history of good management, Jenks Family Farms will help you minimize risk and maximize profit with your investment. Please contact us and let us know how we can help you with your farming needs.

For more information please download our Informational Fact Sheet.

To contact us, please send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Photography by Russ Patterson

Copyright © 2015 Jenks Family Farms, Monmouth, IL 61462